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About Us


Reeurban is a corporation registered since July of 2007 in the State of Florida, under the denomination of Reingenieria Urbana Inc. This name came from the company first founded in Venezuela in 1997, whose objective has always been to do "Construction under the concepts of Urban Reengineering." This company is conformed by a professional team of Civil Engineers and Architects from well-known South American Universities.


Reeurban's mission is to carry out the work without forgetting the details. 


Our staff is always willing to meet your demands for quality and compliance, always adjusted to the commitment, showing new possibilities and options that fit your budget and needs. 


Our company makes permanent use of the concept of Reengineering meaning making engineering over existing concepts to get a new product. This is used to correct inefficient processes from the conventional and adapt it to current needs. Reeurban understands that it's part of the process to re-invent an existing urban space but always aim to total customer satisfaction.

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